Faculty of Pharmacy - Damanhour University

Address of Faculty of Pharmacy - Damanhour University

Damanhour Beheira
Website :
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the Faculty of pharmacy in damanhur was founded in 2008 as a branch of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Alexandria University, and continued subordination of the college to the University of Alexandria until the issuance of the decision on the establishment of the University of damanhur as an independent in 2010.

Year Founded



Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Pharmaceutical analytical chemistry
Drugs and toxins
Microbiology and Immunology
Clinical pharmacy practice pharmacy.

Studying Sections


Admission Requirements

1 - The student who advanced to the College from the students of the general secondary division of Science (science).
2. get the minimum degree for admission to the College determined by the Coordination Office each year.

Admission Certificates

Public secondary (science )
The American diploma
British Diploma
Equivalent certificates

Degrees Awarded


Diploma Programs

The College offers diploma degree in the following disciplines :

1 - pharmaceutics
2. The Science of drugs and toxins
3 - Industrial pharmacy
4 - drugs
5 - pharmaceutical analytical chemistry
6 - pharmaceutical Chemistry
7 - microbiologi

Post-Graduate Programs


Master Programs

The College offers a master's degree in the following programs :

1 - pharmacy
2 - pharmaceutics
3 - psychopharmacology and peace
4 - industrial pharmacy
5 - drugs
6 - pharmaceutical analytical chemistry
7 - pharmaceutical Chemistry

PHD Programs

The College awards doctoral degrees in the following programs :

First : PhD in pharmaceutical Sciences in the following disciplines :

1 - pharmaceutics
2. The Science of drugs and toxins
3 - Industrial pharmacy
4 - drugs
5 - pharmaceut

Years Of Study


Specialization Year

Isn't available

Credit Hours




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