Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies in Qena - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties

Address of Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies in Qena - Al-Azhar University - Boys Faculties

Qena qena
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The Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Boys was opened in Qena on the 3rd of Rajab in 1412 AH. January 8, 1992 AD. This was in the era of former President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak and the Grand Imam of the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Gad al-Haq Ali Gad al-Haq, Professor Dr. / Abdel-Fattah Husseini Sheikh, President of Al-Azhar University and Advisor Mohammed Abdul Rahim Nafie Qena Governor.

Year Founded



Sharia law
The Arabic language
The origins of religion

Studying Sections


Admission Requirements

1- The College accepts the Azhar secondary certificate in its scientific and literary subjects.
2. The College accepts regularity and affiliation according to the admission requirements determined by the College for each department.
3 - The degree of

Admission Certificates

Secondary-Azhar institutions

Degrees Awarded


Diploma Programs


Post-Graduate Programs


Master Programs


PHD Programs


Years Of Study


Specialization Year

The first academic year

Credit Hours

Isn't available



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