Faculty of International Transport and Logistics - Arab Academy for Science & Technology and Maritim

Address of Faculty of International Transport and Logistics - Arab Academy for Science & Technology and Maritim

Dokki Giza
Website :
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Logistics and supply management
International trade logistics
Transport logistics
International transport and logistics
Management of transport logistics
Management of logistics and supply chain

Studying Sections

The Arabic language

Admission Requirements

1- The college accepts the certificate of secondary education in its scientific and literary fields and its equivalent.
2 - Pass the acceptance tests held by the Academy.
3. The age of the applicant - male - shall not exceed 22 years, unless the statu

Admission Certificates

Public secondary (literary)
Public secondary (Math)
Public secondary (science)
Secondary-Azhar institutions
The American diploma
Diploma of the British
Equivalent Certificates

Degrees Awarded


Diploma Programs


Post-Graduate Programs


Master Programs


PHD Programs


Years Of Study


Specialization Year


Credit Hours



المصروفات للدول الداعمة للأكاديمية ( دول أعضاء جامعة الدول العربية ) :
إدارة اللوجستيات وسلاسل الإمداد - إدارة لوجستيات التجارة الدولية - إدارة لوجستيات النقل (عربى) :

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