Orman English School Tanta

E-mail : ormanenglishschool@yahoo.com

Address of Orman English School Tanta

Tanta Gharbia

Email Orman English School Tanta



KG 1: EGP 11,900
KG 2: EGP 12,350
Primary 1: EGP 12,315
Primary 2: EGP 12,315
Primary 3: EGP 10,815
Primary 4: EGP 9,145
Primary 5: EGP 9,350
Primary 6: EGP 9,340
Preparatory 1: EGP 10,050
Preparatory 2: EGP 11,450
Preparatory 3: EGP 11,450
Secondary 1: EGP 12,830
Transportation: EGP 1,380
- Admission age for Pre-K is 2 years and 6 months, for KG1 is 3 years and 6 months
- There are two methods of payments
Cash with 8% discount and installments method over 12 months
- Baby Class fees: 9750 EGP
- Discounts for siblings, the first: 10%, second: 5%, Third: 3%
- School buses lines:
( Kafr El Shaikh, Kafr El Zayat, Shebin El Koum, El Mahalla, Tanta, Berket El Sab', Qotour, Menofia )
- School is to the first secondary stage
Application start: إبريل || Application end: حتى اكتمال العدد


National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education

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