Year Founded
Computer ScienceInformation systems
Software Engineering
Multimedia and graphics software
Studying Sections
N/AAdmission Requirements
1- A student who attends the College of Computing and Information Technology must be a student of the General Secondary Certificate (Science Sports) or equivalent.2 - Pass the acceptance tests held by the Academy.
3. The age of the applicant - male -
Admission Certificates
Public secondary (Math)Secondary-Azhar institutions
The American diploma
Diploma of the British
Equivalent Certificate
Degrees Awarded
Diploma Programs
The College will grant the diploma in the following programs:Computer Science.
2. Information systems.
Post-Graduate Programs
N/AMaster Programs
The College offers a Masters degree in the following programs:Computer Science.
2. Information systems.
PHD Programs
The College offers a PhD in the following programs:Computer Science.
2. Information systems.
Years Of Study
4Specialization Year
UnknownCredit Hours
المصروفات للدول الداعمة للأكاديمية ( دول أعضاء جامعة الدول العربية ) :الفئة ( أ) : الحاصلون على 90% بالثانوية العامة : يدفع فى الترم الواحد 3500 دولار أمريكي.
الفئة (ب) : الحاصلون على 80% حتى 89% بالثانوية العامة : يدفع فى الترم الواحد 4580 دولار أمر